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The Power of Collaboration


Partner with us and unlock the Apostolic Grace in this Ministry over your Life and Assignment.

The Convergence Project 

Together, we can break down the dividing wall between Jews and Gentiles and create One New Humanity.

Part of Plumbline Network’s mission is to create a convergence of leaders who are aligned with God’s vision to unite Jews and Gentiles into one new humanity through Jesus and end the age-old hostility between these people groups. As leaders in the House of God, we are called together to fulfill The Great Commission.

FACT CHECK THIS: Majority of the Gentile population is Muslim — 42% and growing! Sadly, a meager 1% of North American missionary funding goes to evangelizing and ministering to this largely unreached people group. This has got to change!

Plumbline Network believes that as we co-labor with God and invest in His vision, we can strategically change the face of Islam one Muslim at a time by the power of the gospel, the power of media, and the power of partnership.


Watch this video and see how you can help fulfill God’s dream of creating One New Humanity.


Amazing Muslims Project

With the help of other ministries we’ve sent over 500,000 free copies of 10 Amazing Muslims Touched By God to Muslim homes with a personalized letter from Faisal. This message needs to go around the world.

We need your help to share the message with our Muslim friends, neighbors, and colleagues. Help us as we proclaim a powerful, paradigm-shattering, and life-changing message of hope. We believe that with your help, our hope of world peace and reconciliation can be attained.


The Leadership Campus

The Plumbline Leadership Campus with private access is that expression of God’s House for leaders, their families and their vision. This virtual campus is a place for you to align, grow and belong, while cultivating lasting friendships amongst your diverse family of visionaries, world-shapers and game-changers. As a family member, you would also have access to leader-specific Live Streaming and On-demand content from Faisal Malick, Beverley Watkins and many others, along with mentorship and peer connect groups around the world.


Plumbline.TV is the media arm of the Plumbline Network and the future home of the Plumbline TV Channel. Plumbline Network continues to create and develop media content and tools to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Plumbline Institute is the educational arm of Plumbline Network. Its goal is to educate and develop leaders in vocational ministry, business, and government. The team is working on developing curriculum and laying the groundwork for the expression of this vision.